Fruit & vegetables

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Fruit & vegetables
Dried vegetables
Description : graines de soja
haricots adzukis
haricots blancs
haricots mungo
haricots pinto
haricots rouges
lentilles corail
lentilles laird
lentilles vertes
pois cassés
pois chiches
pois verts
Fruit & vegetables
Dried fruit
Description : amande
amandes blanchies
amandes effilées
cerneaux de noix
noix du Brésil
noix de cajou
noix de coco râpée
noix de macadamia
pâte de noisettes
pignons de pin
Fruit & vegetables
Dehydrated fruit or vegetables
Description : apricots
sultana raisins
thompson raisins
Fruit & vegetables
Dried fruit
Description : almonds blanched
almonds brown
almonds slices
Brazil nuts
cashew nut kernels
coconut rasp
hazelnut kernels
hazelnut paste
macamadia nuts
pinenut kernels
walnuts kernel
Fruit & vegetables
Qualite France
Dried fruit
Description : Organisme stockeur
Collecte de céréales, oléagineux et protéagineux biologiques
Vente de fruits secs et autres graines
Conseils en AB
Vente intrans (semences, amendements, ...)
Fruit & vegetables
Fresh fruit
Description :

India is the largest producer of mangoes and account for over 60 percent of the world production, which was estimated to be 16. 1 million tones. Indian mangoes is an exotic fruit with a tantalizing taste, the Indian mango has never ceased to be delight. Indian mangoes are extensively cultivated in groves that have rich and fertile soil.
India produces wide variety of mangoes. The alphonso, rotator, bad am, neola, somali, limbaugh, dasher and lenora are only few of the many varieties.
Mangoes are rich in vitamin a and C.
Alphanso mango
The most sought after fruit in the world, the alphonso, popularly known as "the king of mangoes", is grown only in India mainly in ranger, edgar, Bombay, ban galore and val sad.
Luscious and succulent, the alphonso is irresistible to most people. Size medium, shape ovate oblique, base obliquely flattened; central shoulder and higher than dorsal. Skin is medium thin, yellow. Taste is sweet; juice moderate to abundant. Sweet aroma with characteristics flavor, fibreless fruit. The fruit should be stored pre-cooled after harvesting and stored at 12-13 degree centigrade. The temperature should not go below 10. 0 degree centigrade as this cause chilling injury. Fruit keeping quality is good.
Availability: from march to june. Southeast Asian kings and nobles had their own mango groves with private cultivars being sources of great pride and social standing
Fruit & vegetables
Fresh vegetables
Description :

The raw stick of this variety is greenish in colour and tastes good. The length of each stick is 45 to 75cms. Drumsticks have highest demand in Singapore. Since the drumsticks has antibiotic such as penicillin it has much more demand in countries like england, Japan, Canada, Bangkok, doha, Dubai, bahrain, muscat, and damam etc.
He drumstick tree is known as horseradish tree even though horseradishes grow on a tree belonging to a different species. Another baffling moniker is "mother's best friend". It is also known as ben-oil tree for its non-drying seed oil that is prized as a watch lubricant and paint base.
The drumstick tree is native to India, arabia and parts of Africa. The earliest written evidence of its cultivation is from 2000 BC.
Drumstick seed powder is an efficient and cheap water purifying agent that sediments most of the impurities in turbid water. It is ideal for treating river water before boiling it.
Drumstick leaves are edible as salad greens and vegetables. The root is a substitute for horseradish, and the long pods are used in soups, curries, sambhar and pickles. The seed oil is clear, odourless and durable; it burns without smoke and it is used as edible oil and in the perfume industry. Gum found in the bark, and the leaf powder are spices. The flowers are edible when mixed with other foods or fried in butter.
Hundred gm of drumstick pods contain less than 50 calories, most of it as carbohydrate. The pods are rich in iron, vitamin c, beta-carotene, copper and iodine. The fresh leaves contain twice as many calories, and they are also rich in iron, manganese, zinc, copper, b vitamins, vitamin c and calcium. The leaves also contain two chemicals with potential anti-cancer effects. The seed oil does not turn rancid, but it is not healthful because it is full of saturated fatty acids that are bad for the heart and blood vessels.
The root bark contains chemicals that stimulate the heart but also raise blood pressure.
According to ayurveda, there are at least 300 medicinal uses of the drumstick plant. The flowers, leaves and roots are part of folk remedies for cancer. The leaves are a poultice for sores and headaches, and they are also used as a digestive in small doses. The root juice has counter-irritant properties similar to proprietary pain balms.
Fruit & vegetables
Fresh vegetables
Description :

India is the largest producer of chillies in the world contributing 25% of the total world production. Chillies is also known as Capsicum, Red Pepper, Paprika depending upon the species and variety and also the manner in which it is prepared and used. Chillie is used as an essential condiment in foods for its pungency and red colour. Besides these properties chillie is a rich source of Vitamin A,C,E and P and has certain medicinal properties. It is used in homeopathy. A non-conventional use of chillie is in the self-defence sprays which is gaining popularity in USA.
The World Market for Chillies
Chillies of red pepper belongs to the genus capsicum which is a native of Tropical America. It was introduced into India by the Portuguese during the 16th century. India has emerged today as the foremost producer and exporter of chillies contributing to almost one fourth of the world production. Besides India, other major producers and exporters of chillies are China, Pakistan, Morocco, Mexico and Turkey.
Export of Chillies from India during the last four years has been showing an encouraging trend though fluctuation occur very often. Indian chillies are exported mainly to Srilanka, USA, Canada, UK, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia and Germany. It is exported in different forms: fresh chillies, stalk less chillies, green chillies, chilli powder and also as oleoresin.

The potential for increasing exports of whole chillies, chilli powder and crushed chillies in consumer packs is very high,
Country wise Percentage of worldwide chillies exports (capsicum)
*India 25% *China 24% *Spain 17% *Mexico 8% * Pakistan 7.2% *Morocco 7% * Turkey 4.5%
Fruit & vegetables
Fresh vegetables
Description :

Okra (ladiesfingers)
The finger sized length and smooth and slender shape of the okra earned them the
Name ladies fingers. They are usually chopped up and stir fried to make a bhaji.
When cooked properly they become soft and quite slippery. They are quite bland
To taste and the spices usually over power the flavour of the okra. Alternatively they can be used in curries and go well with either fish or meat. Also known as bhindi because when sliced through the middle, the okra resembles the bhindi (spot) worn by some indian ladies on their foreheads. Usage: cooked or pickled-often
Used in creole dishes.
Selection: good-quality okra will be firm, dry and you should feel a soft fuzz similar to a peach on the skin which will have no blemishes. The coloring will be medium to dark green (afew varieties are white) . The shape can be either short and stocky or long and slim.
Fruit & vegetables
Other fruit & vegetables
Fruit & vegetables
Exotic fruit and vegetables
Description : Fresh Indian Organic Okra ,Availability Year round.Delivered in europe Airports within 16Hrs of harvesting
Fruit & vegetables
Dried fruit
Description : Our Organic Goji Berries and organic red dates can reach the real quality. We do not fear any supervisor from any inspects organization, and also welcome your company sending the supervisor to visit us and inspect our plantation and plant!!!

Biowall Organic Co.,LTD.

We run the plantation in China on our own, and Miss Qing Lin works for our plantation directly, but she is dealing with some international trade affairs in Germany now, please do not hesitate to contact her if you have any question.
Fruit & vegetables
Demeter Standards Ltd (dsl) Bio-dynamic Agricultural Association In Ireland (bdaal)
Other fruit & vegetables
Description : fresh produce
Fruit & vegetables
Other fruit & vegetables
Description : The SEKEM Initiative was started in 1977 on 125 acres of desert land 60km north-east of Cairo. Soon after SEKEM was established, the founder Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish was joined by other Egyptian and European individuals, whose combined effort helped develop the SEKEM initiative further, strongly indicating what could be achieved by a group of committed, enthusiastic, self-motivated people to further and promote the development of the goals and aims of SEKEM. Using biodynamic methods of agriculture, which were used for the first time under the guidance of the German agronomist G. Merckens, the land was used to produce a wide variety of crops and medicinal plants for local and export markets.It was not long before SEKEM began to diversify into cotton production, herbal medicines, textiles and food processing. A steadily increasing group of biodynamic farms in Egypt have served as the base for a modern development of Egyptian agriculture. More than 150 farms, totaling circa 2,000 hectares are now cultivated. The SEKEM Group of Companies integrates the economic, social and cultural spheres of life in all aspects of its work. Thus, employees are empowered to realise their full potential as responsible and capable members of society.
Fruit & vegetables
Exotic fruit and vegetables
Description : Grenades
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